Monday, June 14, 2010

around here lately

Wow! We have had quite a bit going on around here lately. Mainly lots of woodwork (for Paul) and opening, sorting and re-packing boxes (for me). It's a bit crazy and we're trying desperately to also prepare for our new adventure in Chicago, but it's difficult when you're as distracted as we are. There truly aren't enough hours in the day to juggle everything sometimes. But, I take it one half day at a time (pre-nap and post-nap). :)
I've been trying for the last 20 minutes to post a hilarious video of our "family howl" from Sunday morning, but it keeps "error-ing" me - UGH! I'll try again tomorrow. For now, here's an adorable picture of Ilana that Nonni took.


gdennison said...

Hi - where in Chicago did you guys move to? I live in Chicago! - Gabby

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of Ilana enjoying her attic in Gettysburg before she moves to Chicago. She is a beautiful baby and Nonni loves her! Hugs to you, Ilana!!
